State of Hawaii, Department Of Environmental Services

Bsoft LLC was contracted by Hawaii Environmental Services Department to replace its Human Resource application.

The agency had been using the human resource application developed in .NET 2.0 platform with Crystal Reports for reports to manage its Human Resources data.

Bsoft replaced arcane .NET code and existing C# code embedded SQL statments.2005 DTSX packages were migrated to SSIS 2015. The data was migrated from the previous application database Bsoft LLC business analyst and technical team conducted detailed analysis of the HR application and business process and came up with an appropriate milestone based approach to conduct DATA and application migration.

There were strict guidelines as part of the contract with regards to security of the application, DATA etc. The application used windows authentication and role based authorization. Bsoft developed administration screens to manage roles and modules access definition rules that controled the access to application function. Bsoft developed complex SQL SERVER stored procedures (both T-SQL and .NET), triggers, Tables and views to accomodate all the required data points of the business process that ENV mandated as part of the system.

We developed scripts in SSIS that aided the daily upload of DATA from external systems.The completed PHP application met all the business and process requirements of ENV.

The highlight of the project was the development and use of a reporting tool using which ENV could create complex DATA SOURCES (custom data definition) on their own and using the dynamic report builder could create any adhoc reports of their choice.

Bsoft also developed out of the box solution to create report templates for ENV use.




  • Business Analysis & Stake holder meetings, Meetings with various department stakeholders

  • Requirements gathering and development of software requirement specification documents

  • Application architecture and Design documentation

  • Weekly/fortnightly meetings with Stakeholders

  • Review with IT director/ manager as required

  • Application development using ASP.NET/.NET4.0/C#/SQL SERVER 2008 / PHP

  • DATA migration from SQL SERVER 2008 to SQL SERVER 2010

  • Application Deployment on IIS including configuration recommendation

  • User Training.

  • Application Support, Technical advice as required.

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