The ASP to ASP.NET Migration Assistant is designed to help you convert ASP pages and applications to ASP.NET. It does not make the conversion process completely automatic, but it will speed up your project by automating some of the steps required for migration.

ASP.NET offers significant improvements over ASP in the areas of performance, state management, scalability, configuration, deployment, security, output cache control, Web farm support, and XML Web service infrastructure. However, the ASP object model has undergone significant changes to make it more structured and object-oriented, so most existing ASP pages will have to be modified to some extent in order to run under ASP.NET.

Major changes to Visual Basic as well mean that existing ASP pages written with Visual Basic Scripting Edition typically will not port directly to ASP.NET. In most cases, though, the necessary changes will involve only a few lines of code.


ASP and ASP.NET can both be used on the same Web server. That is, a Web site or Web application within a site can contain both ASP.NET pages and ASP pages.

Because both ASP and ASP.NET pages can be accessed from the same Web server, you are not required to port your existing ASP pages over to ASP.NET-compatible pages.

One of the first things you are likely to notice when working with ASP.NET is the new file extension: ASP.NET pages use .aspx, as opposed to the .asp extension used with ASP.


However, there are many advantages to porting your application from ASP to ASP.NET. Some of the biggest advantages include:

  • Increased performance: ASP.NET applications can handle two to three times the requests per second as classic ASP applications.
  • Increased stability: Processes are closely monitored by the ASP.NET run time, which helps keep your application constantly available to handle requests.
  • Increased productivity: ASP.NET helps to build applications more rapidly and in fewer lines of code.



An ASP.NET page is restricted to code written in a single programming language. Currently, ASP.NET supports Visual Basic, C#, and J#. The default language is Visual Basic, but any other language can be declared as the default language for the page by placing a directive at the top of the page

If different languages are declared in separate script blocks on the same page, an error will be raised.

Although only one language can be used on a single page, any user controls that you use on a page can be written in different languages, including Visual C++. This allows applications to take advantage of function libraries in different languages.

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