A web content management system (WCM) is a software system that provides website authoring, collaboration, and administration tools designed to allow users with little knowledge of web programming languages or markup languages to create and manage website content with relative ease.


A CMS or a 'Content Management System' quite literally allows you to control and manage the content within your web site without technical training.

Using this uncomplicated system you can very easily add, delete images and edit text in your web site on the fly. You can also have an unlimited number of pages and a full site-search engine.


Web developers initially developed a website by creating web pages on their local computers, using an FTP program to move those files over to their web server, and then those pages became available via their website. If any changes were needed, they would begin the process a new by going through the process again.

Some simplified the process by using Server Side Includes (SSI), since an include which contained the site's menu could be updated and used throughout the site without any additional changes being required.



CMS software consolidates customer information and documents into a single CMS database so business users can more easily access and manage it. The other main functions of this software include recording various customer interactions , automating various workflow processes such as tasks, calendars and alerts, and giving managers the ability to track performance and productivity based on information logged within the system.

Common features of CMS software include:

  • Marketing automation: CMS tools with marketing automation capabilities can automate repetitive tasks to enhance marketing efforts to customers at different points in the lifecycle.
  • Sales force automation:Also known as sales force management, sales force automation is meant to prevent duplicate efforts between a salesperson and a customer.
  • Contact center automation: Designed to reduce tedious aspects of a contact center agent's job, contact center automation might include pre-recorded audio that assists in customer problem-solving and information dissemination.

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